

constexpr inplace_vector() noexcept;
(1) (since C++26)
constexpr explicit inplace_vector( size_type count );
(2) (since C++26)
constexpr inplace_vector( size_type count, const T& value );
(3) (since C++26)
template< class InputIt >
constexpr inplace_vector( InputIt first, InputIt last );
(4) (since C++26)
template< /*container-compatible-range*/<T> R >
constexpr inplace_vector( std::from_range_t, R&& rg );
(5) (since C++26)
constexpr inplace_vector( const inplace_vector& other );
(6) (since C++26)
constexpr inplace_vector( inplace_vector&& other )
    noexcept(N == 0 || std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>);
(7) (since C++26)
constexpr inplace_vector( std::initializer_list<T> init );
(8) (since C++26)

Constructs a new inplace_vector from a variety of data sources.

1) Constructs an empty inplace_vector whose data() == nullptr and size() == 0.
2) Constructs an inplace_vector with count default-inserted elements.
3) Constructs an inplace_vector with count copies of elements with value value.
4) Constructs an inplace_vector with the contents of the range [firstlast).
5) Constructs an inplace_vector with the contents of the range rg.
For the definition of /*container-compatible-range*/, see ranges::to.
6) A copy constructor. Constructs an inplace_vector with the copy of the contents of other.
The constructor is a trivial copy constructor if N > 0 and std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T> are both true.
7) A move constructor. Constructs an inplace_vector with the contents of other using move semantics.
The constructor is a trivial move constructor if N > 0 and std::is_trivially_move_constructible_v<T> are both true.
8) Constructs an inplace_vector with the contents of the initializer list init.


[edit] Parameters

count - the size of the container
value - the value to initialize elements of the container with
first, last - the range [firstlast) to copy the elements from
rg - the range of values to initialize elements of the container with
other - another inplace_vector to be used as source to initialize the elements of the container with
init - initializer list to initialize the elements of the container with
Type requirements
T must meet the requirements of DefaultInsertable in order to use overloads (2,3).

[edit] Complexity

1) Constant.
2,3) Linear in count.
4) Linear in std::distance(first, last).
5) Linear in std::ranges::distance(rg).
6,7) Linear in size of other.
8) Linear in size of init.

[edit] Exceptions

2,3) Throws std::bad_alloc if count > N.
5) Throws std::bad_alloc if std::ranges::size(rg) > N.
8) Throws std::bad_alloc if init.size() > N.

[edit] Example

#include <cassert>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <inplace_vector>
#include <new>
#include <print>
#include <ranges>
int main()
    std::inplace_vector<int, 4> v1; // overload (1)
    assert(v1.size() == 0 && v1.capacity() == 4);
    std::inplace_vector<int, 0> v2; // overload (1), N == 0 is allowed
    assert(v2.size() == 0 && v2.capacity() == 0);
    std::inplace_vector<int, 5> v3(3); // overload (2)
    assert(v3.size() == 3 && v3.capacity() == 5);
    std::println("v3 = {}", v3);
        std::inplace_vector<int, 3> v(4); // overload (2), throws: count > N
    catch(const std::bad_alloc& ex1)
        std::println("ex1.what(): {}", ex1.what());
    std::inplace_vector<int, 5> v4(3, 8); // overload (3)
    assert(v4.size() == 3 && v4.capacity() == 5);
    std::println("v4 = {}", v4);
        std::inplace_vector<int, 3> v(4, 2); // overload (3), throws: count > N
    catch(const std::bad_alloc& ex2)
        std::println("ex2.what(): {}", ex2.what());
    const auto init = {1, 2, 3};
    std::inplace_vector<int, 4> v5(init.begin(), init.end()); // overload (4)
    assert(v5.size() == 3 && v5.capacity() == 4);
    std::println("v5 = {}", v5);
    std::inplace_vector<int, 4> v6(std::from_range, init); // overload (5)
    assert(v6.size() == 3 && v6.capacity() == 4);
    std::println("v6 = {}", v6);
    std::inplace_vector<int, 4> v7(v6); // overload (6)
    assert(v7.size() == 3 && v7.capacity() == 4);
    std::println("v7 = {}", v7);
    assert(v6.size() == 3);
    std::inplace_vector<int, 4> v8(std::move(v6)); // overload (7)
    // Note that after the move v6 is left in valid but indeterminate state.
    assert(v8.size() == 3 && v8.capacity() == 4);
    std::println("v8 = {}", v8);
    std::inplace_vector<int, 4> v9(init); // overload (8)
    assert(v9.size() == 3 && v9.capacity() == 4);
    std::println("v9 = {}", v9);
        std::inplace_vector<int, 2> v(init); // overload (8), throws: init.size() > N
    catch(const std::bad_alloc& ex3)
        std::println("ex3.what(): {}", ex3.what());

Possible output:

v3 = [0, 0, 0]
ex1.what(): std::bad_alloc
v4 = [42, 42, 42]
ex2.what(): std::bad_alloc
v5 = [1, 2, 3]
v6 = [1, 2, 3]
v7 = [1, 2, 3]
v8 = [1, 2, 3]
v9 = [1, 2, 3]
ex3.what(): std::bad_alloc

[edit] See also

assigns values to the container
(public member function) [edit]
returns the number of elements that can be held in currently allocated storage
(public static member function) [edit]
direct access to the underlying contiguous storage
(public member function) [edit]
returns the number of elements
(public member function) [edit]
returns the size of a container or array
(function template) [edit]
obtains the pointer to the underlying array
(function template) [edit]