

Utilities library
Coroutine support
Coroutine traits
Coroutine handle
No-op coroutines
Trivial awaitables
Range generators
Member of other specializations
bool done() const;
(1) (since C++20)
Member of specialization std::coroutine_handle<std::noop_coroutine_promise>
constexpr bool done() const noexcept;
(2) (since C++20)

Checks if a suspended coroutine is suspended at its final suspend point.

1) Returns true if the coroutine to which *this refers is suspended at its final suspend point, or false if the coroutine is suspended at other suspend points. The behavior is undefined if *this does not refer to a suspended coroutine.
2) Always returns false.


[edit] Parameters


[edit] Return value

1) true if the coroutine is suspended at its final suspend point, false if the coroutine is suspended at other suspend points.
2) false

[edit] Notes

A no-op coroutine is never considered to be suspended at its final suspend point.

A coroutine with promise object p is considered to be suspended at its final suspend point only if, let e be the result of p.final_suspend(), e.await_ready() returns false. In particular, if p.final_suspend() returns std::suspend_never, then done() never returns true.

[edit] Example