< cpp | experimental | shared future
std::experimental::shared_future<T>& operator=( const std::experimental::shared_future<T>& other ); |
(1) | |
std::experimental::shared_future<T>& operator=( std::experimental::shared_future<T>&& other ) noexcept; |
(2) | |
Assigns the contents of another std::experimental::shared_future
1) Releases any shared state and assigns the contents of other to *this. After the assignment, this->valid() == other.valid().
2) Releases any shared state and move-assigns the contents of other to *this. After the assignment, other.valid() == false and this->valid() will yield the same value as other.valid() before the assignment.
[edit] Parameters
other | - | a std::experimental::shared_future object to assign from
[edit] Return value