< cpp | experimental | simd | simd
friend simd& operator+=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(1) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator-=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(2) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator*=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(3) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator/=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(4) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator%=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(5) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator&=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(6) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator|=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(7) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator^=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(8) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator<<=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(9) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator<<=( simd& lhs, int n ) noexcept; |
(10) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator>>=( simd& lhs, const simd& rhs ) noexcept; |
(11) | (parallelism TS v2) |
friend simd& operator>>=( simd& lhs, int n ) noexcept; |
(12) | (parallelism TS v2) |
Applies the given compound assignment operator element-wise to each corresponding element of the operands such that for all i in the range of [
the result is equivalent to:
1) lhs[i] += rhs[i]
2) lhs[i] -= rhs[i]
3) lhs[i] *= rhs[i]
4) lhs[i] /= rhs[i]
5) lhs[i] %= rhs[i]
6) lhs[i] &= rhs[i]
7) lhs[i] |= rhs[i]
8) lhs[i] ^= rhs[i]
9) lhs[i] <<= rhs[i]
10) lhs[i] <<= n
11) lhs[i] >>= rhs[i]
12) lhs[i] >>= n
Contents |
[edit] Parameters
lhs | - | left operands |
rhs | - | right operands |
n | - | number of bits to shift each element in lhs |
[edit] Return value
[edit] Example
Computes cosh(β)² - sinh(β)² (== 1) for some arbitrary angle β, on SIMD data.
Run this code
#include <cstddef> #include <experimental/simd> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <string_view> namespace stq = std::experimental; void print(const std::string_view rem, const auto x) { std::cout << rem << '\n' << std::fixed; for (std::size_t t{}; t != x.size(); ++t) std::cout << std::setw(10) << x[t] << ((t + 1) % 8 ? ',' : '\n'); std::cout << '\n'; } int main() { constexpr auto N = 32UZ; using elem_t = long double; stq::fixed_size_simd<elem_t, N> x{[](elem_t i) { return i / N; }}; stq::fixed_size_simd<elem_t, N> y{x}; x = stq::cosh(x); y = stq::sinh(y); x *= x; y *= y; print("cosh(x)²:", x); print("sinh(x)²:", y); auto z = x - y; print("cosh(x)² - sinh(x)²:", z); std::cout << "reduce(z) = " << stq::reduce(z) << '\n'; }
cosh(x)²: 1.000000, 1.000977, 1.003911, 1.008815, 1.015707, 1.024613, 1.035570, 1.048620 1.063813, 1.081209, 1.100877, 1.122892, 1.147342, 1.174321, 1.203934, 1.236299 1.271540, 1.309797, 1.351217, 1.395964, 1.444212, 1.496149, 1.551979, 1.611920 1.676205, 1.745086, 1.818833, 1.897733, 1.982094, 2.072247, 2.168544, 2.271360 sinh(x)²: 0.000000, 0.000977, 0.003911, 0.008815, 0.015707, 0.024613, 0.035570, 0.048620 0.063813, 0.081209, 0.100877, 0.122892, 0.147342, 0.174321, 0.203934, 0.236299 0.271540, 0.309797, 0.351217, 0.395964, 0.444212, 0.496149, 0.551979, 0.611920 0.676205, 0.745086, 0.818833, 0.897733, 0.982094, 1.072247, 1.168544, 1.271360 cosh(x)² - sinh(x)²: 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 reduce(z) = 32.000000
[edit] See also
element-wise binary operators (function) |