< cpp | iterator | basic const iterator
basic_const_iterator() requires std::default_initializable<Iter> = default; |
(1) | (since C++23) |
constexpr basic_const_iterator( Iter x ); |
(2) | (since C++23) |
template< std::convertible_to<Iter> U > constexpr basic_const_iterator( basic_const_iterator<U> other ); |
(3) | (since C++23) |
template< /*different-from*/<basic_const_iterator> T > requires std::convertible_to<T, Iter> |
(4) | (since C++23) |
Constructs a new iterator adaptor.
1) Default constructor. The underlying iterator is value-initialized.
2) The underlying iterator is initialized with std::move(x).
3) The underlying iterator is initialized with that of other.
4) The underlying iterator is initialized with std::forward<T>(x).
[edit] Parameters
x | - | iterator to adapt |
other | - | iterator adaptor to copy |
[edit] Example
This section is incomplete Reason: no example |
[edit] See also
assigns another iterator adaptor (public member function) |