C++ named requirements: AssociativeContainer
An AssociativeContainer is an ordered Container that provides fast lookup of objects based on keys.
An associative container supports unique keys if it may contain at most one element for each key. Otherwise, it supports equivalent keys.
Contents |
[edit] Requirements
Legend | |
An associative container class |
The element type of X
The allocator type of X : X::allocator_type if it exists, otherwise std::allocator<X::value_type>
a | A value of type X
a2 | A value of a type Y whose node handles are compatible with X
b | A value of type X or const X
u | A name of a variable beging declared |
a_uniq | A value of type X when X supports unique keys
a_eq | A value of type X when X supports equivalent keys
a_tran | A value of type X or const X when type X::key_compare::is_transparent exists
i, j | The LegacyInputIterators referring to elements implicitly convertible to X::value_type
[ i, j)
A valid range |
rg (since C++23) |
A value of a type R that models container-compatible-range<value_type>
p | A valid constant iterator to a |
q | A valid dereferenceable constant iterator to a |
r | A valid dereferenceable iterator to a |
q1, q2 | A valid range of const iterators in a |
il | An object of type std::initializer_list<X::value_type> |
t | A value of type X::value_type
k | A value of type X::key_type
c | A value of type X::key_compare or const X::key_compare
kl | A value such that a is partitioned with respect to c(x, kl), with x the key value of e and e in a |
ku | A value such that a is partitioned with respect to !c(ku, x), with x the key value of e and e in a |
ke | A value such that a is partitioned with respect to c(x, ke) and !c(ke, x), with c(x, ke) implying !c(ke, x) and with x the key value of e and e in a |
kx (since C++23) |
A value such that:
m | An allocator of a type convertible to A
nh | A non-const rvalue of type X::node_type
The type X
satisfies AssociativeContainer if
- The type
satisfies Container(until C++11)AllocatorAwareContainer(since C++11), - Is parameterized on
and an ordering relationCompare
that induces a strict weak ordering on elements ofKey
, and- In addition, std::map and std::multimap associate an arbitrary mapped type
with theKey
. - The object of type
is called the comparison object of a container of typeX
- In addition, std::map and std::multimap associate an arbitrary mapped type
- The following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects for all associative containers:
[edit] Types
Name | Type | Requirements |
T (for std::map and std::multimap only)
Erasable from X
CopyConstructible |
BinaryPredicate |
A specialization of the node-handle class template, such that the public nested types are the same types as the corresponding types in X .
[edit] Member functions and operators
Expression | Result | Preconditions | Effects | Returns | Complexity |
X(c) | Constructs an empty container. Uses a copy of c as a comparison object | Constant | |||
X u = X(); X u; |
key_compare meets the DefaultConstructible requirements
Constructs an empty container. Uses Compare() as a comparison object | Constant | ||
X(i, j, c) | value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *i
Constructs an empty container and inserts elements from the range [ i, j) into it; uses c as a comparison object
N·log(N) in general, where N has the value std::distance(i, j); linear if [ i, j) is sorted with respect to value_comp()
| ||
X(i, j) | key_compare meets the DefaultConstructible requirements. value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *i
Constructs an empty container and inserts elements from the range [ i, j) into it; uses Compare() as a comparison object
X(from_range, rg, c) (since C++23) |
value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *ranges::begin(rg)
Constructs an empty container and inserts each element from rg into it. Uses c as the comparison object | N·log(N) in general, where N has the value ranges::distance(rg); linear if rg is sorted with respect to value_comp()
| ||
X(from_range, rg) (since C++23) |
key_compare meets the DefaultConstructible requirements. value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *ranges::begin(rg)
Constructs an empty container and inserts each element from rg into it. Uses Compare() as the comparison object | |||
X(il, c) | X(il.begin(), il.end(), c) | ||||
X(il) | X(il.begin(), il.end()) | ||||
a = il | X& | value_type is CopyInsertable into X and CopyAssignable
Assigns the range [ il.begin(), il.end()) into a. All existing elements of a are either assigned to or destroyed
N·log(N) in general, where N has the value il.size() + a.size(); linear if [ il.begin(), il.end()) is sorted with respect to value_comp()
| |
b.key_comp() | X::key_compare
The comparison object out of which b was constructed | Constant | ||
b.value_comp() | X::value_compare
An object of value_compare constructed out of the comparison object
Constant | ||
a_uniq.emplace(args) | std::pair< iterator, bool> |
value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from args
Inserts a value_type object t constructed with std::forward<Args>(args)... if and only if there is no element in the container with key equivalent to the key of t
The bool component of the returned pair is true if and only if the insertion takes place, and the iterator component of the pair points to the element with key equivalent to the key of t | Logarithmic |
a_eq.emplace(args) | iterator
value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from args
Inserts a value_type object t constructed with std::forward<Args>(args).... If a range containing elements equivalent to t exists in a_eq, t is inserted at the end of that range
An iterator pointing to the newly inserted element | Logarithmic |
a.emplace_hint(p, args) | iterator
Equivalent to
a.emplace( |
An iterator pointing to the element with the key equivalent to the newly inserted element | Logarithmic in general, but amortized constant if the element is inserted right before p | |
a_uniq.insert(t) | std::pair< iterator, bool> |
If t is a non-const rvalue, value_type is MoveInsertable into X ; otherwise, value_type is CopyInsertable into X
Inserts t if and only if there is no element in the container with key equivalent to the key of t | The bool component of the returned pair is true if and only if the insertion takes place, and the iterator component of the pair points to the element with key equivalent to the key of t
Logarithmic |
a_eq.insert(t) | iterator
If t is a non-const rvalue, value_type is MoveInsertable into X ; otherwise, value_type is CopyInsertable into X
Inserts t and returns the iterator pointing to the newly inserted element. If a range containing elements equivalent to t exists in a_eq, t is inserted at the end of that range | Logarithmic | |
a.insert(p, t) | iterator
If t is a non-const rvalue, value_type is MoveInsertable into X ; otherwise, value_type is CopyInsertable into X
Inserts t if and only if there is no element with key equivalent to the key of t in containers with unique keys; always inserts t in containers with equivalent keys. t is inserted as close as possible to the position just prior to p | An iterator pointing to the element with key equivalent to the key of t | Logarithmic in general, but amortized constant if t is inserted right before p |
a.insert(i, j) | void | value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *i. Neither i nor j are iterators into a
Inserts each element from the range [ i, j) if and only if there is no element with key equivalent to the key of that element in containers with unique keys; always inserts that element in containers with equivalent keys
N·log(a.size() + N), where N has the value std::distance(i, j)
| |
a.insert_range(rg) (since C++23) |
void | value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *ranges::begin(rg). rg and a do not overlap
Inserts each element from rg if and only if there is no element with key equivalent to the key of that element in containers with unique keys; always inserts that element in containers with equivalent keys | N·log(a.size() + N), where N has the value ranges::distance(rg)
| |
a.insert(il) | a.insert(il.begin(), il.end()) | ||||
a_uniq.insert(nh) | insert_return_type
nh is empty or
a_uniq.get_allocator() |
If nh is empty, has no effect. Otherwise, inserts the element owned by nh if and only if there is no element in the container with a key equivalent to nh.key() | If nh is empty, inserted is false, position is end(), and node is empty. Otherwise if the insertion took place, inserted is true, position points to the inserted element, and node is empty; if the insertion failed, inserted is false, node has the previous value of nh, and position points to an element with a key equivalent to nh.key()
Logarithmic |
a_eq.insert(nh) | iterator
nh is empty or
a_eq.get_allocator() |
If nh is empty, has no effect and returns a_eq.end(). Otherwise, inserts the element owned by nh and returns an iterator pointing to the newly inserted element. If a range containing elements with keys equivalent to nh.key() exists in a_eq, the element is inserted at the end of that range. Ensures: nh is empty | Logarithmic | |
a.insert(p, nh) | iterator
nh is empty or
a.get_allocator() |
If nh is empty, has no effect and returns a.end(). Otherwise, inserts the element owned by nh if and only if there is no element with key equivalent to nh.key() in containers with unique keys; always inserts the element owned by nh in containers with equivalent keys. The element is inserted as close as possible to the position just prior to p. Ensures: nh is empty if insertion succeeds, unchanged if insertion fails | An iterator pointing to the element with key equivalent to nh.key() | Logarithmic in general, but amortized constant if the element is inserted right before p |
a.extract(k) | node_type
Removes the first element in the container with key equivalent to k | A node_type owning the element if found, otherwise an empty node_type
log(a.size()) | |
a_tran.extract(kx) (since C++23) |
Removes the first element in the container with key r such that !c(r, kx) && !c(kx, r) is true | A node_type owning the element if found, otherwise an empty node_type
log(a_tran.size()) | |
a.extract(q) | node_type
Removes the element pointed to by q | A node_type owning that element
Amortized constant | |
a.merge(a2) | void | a.get_allocator() == a2.get_allocator() |
Attempts to extract each element in a2 and insert it into a using the comparison object of a. In containers with unique keys, if there is an element in a with key equivalent to the key of an element from a2, then that element is not extracted from a2. Ensures: Pointers and references to the transferred elements of a2 refer to those same elements but as members of a. Iterators referring to the transferred elements will continue to refer to their elements, but they now behave as iterators into a, not into a2. Throws: Nothing unless the comparison object throws | N·log(a.size() + N), where N has the value a2.size()
| |
a.erase(k) | size_type
Erases all elements in the container with key equivalent to k | The number of erased elements | log(a.size()) + a.count(k) | |
a_tran.erase(kx) (since C++23) |
Erases all elements in the container with key r such that !c(r, kx) && !c(kx, r) is true | The number of erased elements | log(a_tran.size()) + a_tran.count(kx) | |
a.erase(q) | iterator
Erases the element pointed to by q | An iterator pointing to the element immediately following q prior to the element being erased. If no such element exists, returns a.end() | Amortized constant | |
a.erase(r) | iterator
Erases the element pointed to by r | An iterator pointing to the element immediately following r prior to the element being erased. If no such element exists, returns a.end() | Amortized constant | |
a.erase(q1, q2) | iterator
Erases all the elements in the range[ q1, q2)
An iterator pointing to the element pointed to by q2 prior to any elements being erased. If no such element exists, a.end() is returned | log(a.size()) + N, where N has the value std::distance(q1, q2)
| |
a.clear() | a.erase(a.begin(), a.end()). Ensures: a.empty() is true | Linear in a.size() | |||
b.find(k) | iterator ; const_iterator for constant b
An iterator pointing to an element with the key equivalent to k, or b.end() if such an element is not found | Logarithmic | ||
a_tran.find(ke) | iterator ; const_iterator for constant a_tran
An iterator pointing to an element with key r such that
!c(r, ke) && |
Logarithmic | ||
b.count(k) | size_type
The number of elements with key equivalent to k | log(b.size()) + b.count(k) | ||
a_tran.count(ke) | size_type
The number of elements with key r such that
!c(r, ke) && |
log(a_tran.size()) + a_tran.count(ke) | ||
b.contains(k) | bool | return b.find(k) != b.end(); | |||
a_tran.contains(ke) | bool |
return |
b.lower_bound(k) | iterator ; const_iterator for constant b
An iterator pointing to the first element with key not less than k, or b.end() if such an element is not found | Logarithmic | ||
a_tran.lower_bound(kl) | iterator ; const_iterator for constant a_tran
An iterator pointing to the first element with key r such that !c(r, kl), or a_tran.end() if such an element is not found | Logarithmic | ||
b.upper_bound(k) | iterator ; const_iterator for constant b
An iterator pointing to the first element with key greater than k, or b.end() if such an element is not found | Logarithmic | ||
a_tran.upper_bound(ku) | iterator ; const_iterator for constant a_tran
An iterator pointing to the first element with key r such that c(ku, r), or a_tran.end() if such an element is not found | Logarithmic | ||
b.equal_range(k) | std::pair< iterator, iterator>; std::pair< |
Equivalent to:
return |
Logarithmic | ||
a_tran.equal_range(ke) | std::pair< iterator, iterator>; std::pair< |
Equivalent to:
return |
Logarithmic |
[edit] Iterators
Iterators of associative containers satisfy the requirements of LegacyBidirectionalIterator.
For associative containers where value_type
is the same as key_type
, both iterator
and const_iterator
are constant iterators. It is unspecified whether or not iterator
and const_iterator
are the same type.
Iterators of associative containers iterate through the containers in the non-descending order of keys where non-descending is defined by the comparison that was used to construct the containers. That is, given
- a, an associative container
- i and j, dereferenceable iterators to a.
If the distance from i to j is positive, then a.value_comp()(*j, *i) == false. Additionally, if a is an associative container with unique keys, the stronger condition a.value_comp()(*i, *j) != false holds.
This section is incomplete Reason: Finish requirements. |
[edit] Standard library
The following standard library containers satisfy the AssociativeContainer requirements:
collection of unique keys, sorted by keys (class template) | |
collection of keys, sorted by keys (class template) | |
collection of key-value pairs, sorted by keys, keys are unique (class template) | |
collection of key-value pairs, sorted by keys (class template) |
[edit] Defect reports
The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.
DR | Applied to | Behavior as published | Correct behavior |
LWG 354 | C++98 | lower_bound and upper_bound did notreturn the end iterator if no element is found |
they return the end iterator in this case |
LWG 589 | C++98 | the elements that i and j refer to had the type X::value_type
the elements are implicitly convertible to X::value_type