

Member functions
Non-member functions
(C++11)(C++11)(until C++20)
subtract_with_carry_engine() : subtract_with_carry_engine(0u) {}
(1) (since C++11)
explicit subtract_with_carry_engine( result_type value );
(2) (since C++11)
template< class SeedSeq >
explicit subtract_with_carry_engine( SeedSeq& seq );
(3) (since C++11)
subtract_with_carry_engine( const subtract_with_carry_engine& other );
(4) (since C++11)
(implicitly declared)

Constructs the pseudo-random number engine.

1) The default constructor.
  • If the default-constructed engine is of type std::ranlux24_base, the 10000th consecutive invocation of it produces the value 7937952.
  • If the default-constructed engine is of type std::ranlux48_base, the 10000th consecutive invocation of it produces the value 61839128582725.
2) Constructs the engine with a seed value value. The sequence X of the engine's initial state is determined as follows:
  1. Constructs a std::linear_congruential_engine<std::uint_least32_t, 40014u, 0u, 2147483563u> object e with argument value == 0u ? default_seed : static_cast<std::uint_least32_t>(value % 2147483563u).
  2. Let n be std::size_t(w / 32) + 1.
  3. Sets the values of X-r, ..., X-1, in that order. Each value Xi is set as specified below:
  1. Successively calls e for n times, the return values are denoted as z0 ... zn-1.
  2. Sets Xi to (∑n-1
    ) mod m
If X-1 is 0, sets the carry value c of the engine's initial state to 1. Otherwise, sets c to 0.
3) Constructs the engine with a seed sequence seq. Given std::size_t(w / 32) + 1 as k, the sequence X of the engine's initial state is determined as follows:
  1. Creates an invented array object a of length r * k.
  2. Calls seq.generate(a + 0, a + r * k).
  3. For each integer i in [-r-1], sets Xi to (∑k-1
    ) mod m
If X-1 is 0, sets the carry value c of the engine's initial state to 1. Otherwise, sets c to 0.
This overload participates in overload resolution only if SeedSeq meets the requirements of SeedSequence.
4) The copy constructor. Upon construction, *this == other is true.


[edit] Parameters

value - seed value to use in the initialization of the internal state
seq - seed sequence to use in the initialization of the internal state

[edit] Complexity

1,2) (std::size_t(w / 32) + 1) * r invocations of e.
3) Same as the complexity of the seq.generate call.
4) O(r).

[edit] Exceptions

3) If SeedSeq is not std::seed_seq, throws the exceptions thrown by the seq.generate call.

[edit] Example

#include <cassert>
#include <random>
int main()
    std::ranlux24_base gen24; // overload (1)
    std::ranlux48_base gen48; // overload (1)
    gen24.discard(10000 - 1);
    gen48.discard(10000 - 1);
    assert(gen24() == 7'937'952);
    assert(gen48() == 61'839'128'582'725);

[edit] Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
LWG 2181 C++11 overload (3) would not throw even if the seq.generate call throws propagates the exception
LWG 3809 C++11 e could not be constructed if result_type is std::uint16_t can be constructed in this case
LWG 4014 C++11 the resolution of LWG issue 3809 caused the initial seed
of the intermediate std::linear_congruential_engine
to have a different type from the engine's result_type
truncates and
converts value
P0935R0 C++11 the default constructor was explicit made implicit

[edit] See also

sets the current state of the engine
(public member function) [edit]