
std::ranges::iota_view<W, Bound>::iota_view

< cpp‎ | ranges‎ | iota view
Ranges library
Range adaptors
iota_view() requires std::default_initializable<W> = default;
(1) (since C++20)
constexpr explicit iota_view( W value );
(2) (since C++20)
constexpr explicit iota_view( std::type_identity_t<W> value,
                              std::type_identity_t<Bound> bound );
(3) (since C++20)
constexpr explicit iota_view( /*iterator*/ first, /* see below */ last );
(4) (since C++20)

Constructs an iota_view.

 Overload  Data members
value_ bound_
(1) value-initialized value-initialized
(2) initialized with value
(3)  initialized with bound 
(4)  initialized with first.value_  see below
2,3) If any of the following conditions is satisfied, the behavior is undefined:
4) If any of the following conditions is satisfied, the behavior is undefined:
The type of last and the method of initializing bound_ are determined by the type Bound denotes:
The type Bound denotes  The type of last  bound_
W iterator  initialized with last.value_ 
 std::unreachable_sentinel_t  Bound initialized with last
any other type sentinel initialized with last.bound_

[edit] Parameters

value - the starting value
bound - the bound
first - the iterator denoting the starting value
last - the iterator or sentinel denoting the bound

[edit] Example

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <ranges>
int main()
    const auto l = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    auto i1 = std::ranges::iota_view<int, int>(); // overload (1)
    assert(i1.empty() and i1.size() == 0);
    auto i2 = std::ranges::iota_view(1); // overload (2)
    assert(not i2.empty() and i2.front() == 1);
    for (std::cout << "1) "; auto e : i2 | std::views::take(3))
        std::cout << e << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
    auto i3 = std::ranges::iota_view(std::begin(l)); // overload (2)
    assert(not i3.empty() and i3.front() == l.begin());
    for (std::cout << "2) "; auto e : i3 | std::views::take(4))
        std::cout << *e << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
    auto i4 = std::ranges::iota_view(1, 8); // overload (3)
    assert(not i4.empty() and i4.front() == 1 and i4.back() == 7);
    for (std::cout << "3) "; auto e : i4)
        std::cout << e << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
    auto i5 = std::ranges::iota_view(l.begin(), l.end()); // overload (4)
    for (std::cout << "4) "; auto e : i5)
        std::cout << *e << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
    auto i6 = std::ranges::iota_view(l.begin(), std::unreachable_sentinel); // (4)
    for (std::cout << "5) "; auto e : i6 | std::views::take(3))
        std::cout << *e << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';


1) 1 2 3
2) 1 2 3 4
3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4) 1 2 3 4
5) 1 2 3

[edit] Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
LWG 3523 C++20 overload (4) might use wrong sentinel type corrected
P2711R1 C++20 overloads (3,4) were not explicit made explicit