
std::ranges::iota_view<W, Bound>::size

< cpp‎ | ranges‎ | iota view
Ranges library
Range adaptors
constexpr auto size() const

    requires (std::same_as<W, Bound> && /*advanceable*/<W>) ||
             (/*is-integer-like*/<W> && /*is-integer-like*/<Bound>) ||

             std::sized_sentinel_for<Bound, W>;
(since C++20)

Returns the size of the view if the view is bounded.

For the definitions of /*advanceable*/ and /*is-integer-like*/, see advanceable and is-integer-like respectively.

If any of W and Bound is not a integer-like type, returns to-unsigned-like (bound_ - value_ ). Otherwise, returns

(value_ < 0) ?
        (bound_ < 0) ?
            to-unsigned-like (-value_ ) - to-unsigned-like (-bound_ ) :
            to-unsigned-like (bound_ ) + to-unsigned-like (-value_ )
    ) :
    to-unsigned-like (bound_ ) - to-unsigned-like (value_ )


[edit] Return value

As described above.

[edit] Example

#include <cassert>
#include <ranges>
int main()
    unsigned initial_value{1}, bound{5};
    auto i{std::views::iota(initial_value, bound)};
    assert(i.size() == bound - initial_value and i.size() == 4);
    auto u{std::views::iota(8)};
    // assert(u.size()); // error: size() is not present since u is unbounded

[edit] Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
LWG 3610 C++20 size might reject integer-class types accept if possible

[edit] See also

returns an integer equal to the size of a range
(customization point object)[edit]
returns a signed integer equal to the size of a range
(customization point object)[edit]